
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Tó Anjo - "In Slow Fall"

Tó Anjo - "In Slow Fall"

“Slow Fall” by the Portuguese ambient artist living in Vienna is a pretty perfect 11 minute meditation on repetition, unfolding melodic complexity and slow motion changes over a long period of time. The work here reflects, “Tó's desire to abandon pretension or notions of complexity and allow himself to record a long piece of music that is repetitive, simple and subtle but still hypnotic, full of space and moving parts. Through stacked layers of pianos and synths with a subtle and subdued drum machine, the track creates an atmosphere for the listener to get lost in and be slowly transported through the different sections”. Lovely work here.

Pathos Trio - "Mega Cicada"

Pathos Trio - "Mega Cicada"

Damian Boylan - "Vectors"

Damian Boylan - "Vectors"